Hunters Point Shoreline

Teamed with Envelope A+D and Liz Ogbu, Social Innovative Strategist, RHAA developed a design and implementation strategy for the revisioning of the former PG&E Power Plant site located in Hunter’s Point/India Basin neighborhood of San Francisco. The history of the site as an industrial area along the bay edge and adjacent to a community has resulted in an environment of unease and distrust.

The team’s strategy was to engage the community in a process that sought to create a viable and enduring place that is attractive to new uses and investments offering the existing community a chance to share in the opportunities and benefits. With the community–led design approach, an array of interim pieces was realized. Those pieces were rotated and refined as the community voted on the uses that are best suited for the site and its users.

In addition to developing interim uses, both streetscape and shoreline improvements were designed. A continuous Bay/Blue Greenway trail for pedestrians and cyclist along the water’s edge links with trails at Heron’s Head Park and India Basin Shoreline Park. 

  • Teamed with Envelope A+D and Liz Ogbu, Social Innovative Strategist, RHAA re-visioned the former PG&E Power Plant waterfront site located in the Hunter’s Point/India Basin neighborhood of San Francisco
  • With the community–led design approach, an array of interim pieces were realized
  • 2019 AIA SF Commendation for Urban Design Award
  • Photos by Tom Fitzgerald Photography