The Magical Bridge Playground is about bridging the physical and social barriers which prevent children of all ages and abilities from uniting together in play. Working with the Friends of Magical Bridge and the City of Palo Alto, RHAA has designed the playground to give children of all abilities the opportunity to play independently and cooperatively. Children can move through the trees on an elevated walk, or hunt for hidden treasure in the Willow Grove, or swing, sway, spin and slide, all on surfaces and equipment without barriers. To help children who may be unable to learn quickly how to maneuver through a large space, the playground has distinct zones for different types of activities- spinning, swinging, sliding, climbing, exploring nature. The play opportunities are diverse, to meet the diverse developmental needs of children without segregating by one’s ability to participate in a particular type of activity.
2017 ASLA Northern California Chapter Merit Award
2015 CPRS District 4 Award of Excellence
2015 City of Palo Alto Architectural Review Board Awards, Special Award for Innovative Inclusive Playground
RHAA has designed this playground to give children of all abilities the opportunity to play independently and cooperatively
The playground has distinct zones for different types of activities- spinning, swinging, sliding, climbing, exploring nature